If you are a person that has been in a car accident, you likely are able to see the car accident easily from your side. This might get harder if the person who was also involved in the car accident claims it was your fault and you disagree. You and the other person might go to court in order to determine who was at fault during the car accident and who, therefore, has to have their insurance pay the claims, which could cause that person's insurance rate to go up.
18 December 2016
Divorces happen so often that it is important that you make sure that you are protecting yourself. Men and women have different challenges in a divorce, so depending on your role in your family and your marriage, you should take steps to make sure that you are protected. Here are some things that men should avoid doing in a divorce to protect themselves. 1. Don't Move Out Without Talking to a Lawyer First
30 November 2016
If the car you were riding in was involved in a car accident, you need to make sure that you protect your rights. Don't be confused into believing that only the drivers in an accident are entitled to compensation. As a passenger, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries, as well as payment for your medical expenses. Here are four steps you should take to ensure that you receive the compensation you're entitled to.
7 November 2016
Getting a DUI is stressful even if it is your first, since this is a criminal charge that can carry severe consequences. The days after your arrest are important since you will need to start planning for your defense at your approaching court date. The following can help answer some of your questions on what to expect during your first DUI. Will your license be suspended immediately? This depends upon the state.
18 October 2016
A disabled woman in Knoxville, Tennessee, is dealing with a frustrating situation common to those receiving social-security benefits: she has recently been told that her benefits will stop because her medical condition is now controlled by medication. While she feels that she's in a somewhat impossible situation, since her disability benefits include the medical coverage she uses to obtain the medications, it's important to understand the rules that social-security benefits follow in order to anticipate any similar problems with your own claim, whether you are just now filing or have been receiving benefits for a while.
28 September 2016
Not everyone ends up paying alimony after a divorce, but your chances of having to make payments to your ex increase if you were responsible for the majority of their financial support during your marriage. If you're ordered to pay alimony, however, that doesn't mean that you will make payments indefinitely. Many orders are only good until your ex gets on their feet financially. Furthermore, there are steps you can take to avoid paying alimony permanently.
9 September 2016
If you were on the receiving end of an injury – one that is usually born out of recklessness or a lack of care, rather than any sort of malicious intent – you can often sue the party responsible under the category of a personal injury suit. However, you may not wish to go to court. You lawyer may advise you that settling out of court is a preferable experience. If you are thinking of settling out of court, you have doubtlessly have questions about the experience.
22 August 2016
Seeing a child trapped in a hot car is distressing. You know how hot it can be in there and the danger that imposes on the child's life. The first thing you want to do is smash a window and get the child out. Is that something you can legally do? Here's a look at the law. Call the Police First Smashing a window may not be needed. Contact the police first and see if you can spot the owner of the vehicle.
2 August 2016
If you find yourself as the plaintiff in a personal injury case, in most cases, you will find that you will have to present your medical records in order to be compensated for the damages for which you are suing. You might also find that you must procure these documents for others if you are their guardian, custodian, or simply trying to help out a friend or family member. This guide will serve as a primer for procuring your medical records in the event that you need them for a personal injury suit.
19 July 2016
When you're facing a criminal charge, you want to do everything you can to get the case resolved as quickly as possible. This eagerness can sometimes cause individuals to do more harm than good, particularly when it comes to their attorney. Make sure you aren't working against your attorney. Here are just some of the things you can do to avoid this. Be Honest The main thing your attorney needs is your honesty.
30 June 2016