If You File For Bankruptcy, Can You Still Get (Or Keep) Your Government Security Clearance?

Law Blog

If you're a government employee, can you lose your security clearance if you file bankruptcy? The answer to that question is largely dependent on a variety of mitigating or aggravating factors. This is what you should know. Losing A Security Clearance Usually Comes Down To One Of Two Reasons. If you have a long-standing security clearance, filing for bankruptcy generally won't cause you to immediately lose it. A bankruptcy usually gets noticed when you first file for a security clearance or are in the process of having your clearance renewed.

5 March 2015

Determined Federal Government Effort To Ensure Proper And Timely Worker's Compensation For Injured Workers

Law Blog

New claims for federal employees are resolved by the Division of Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA). The program is designed to pay for your medical expenses and other compensation benefits that you are entitled to if you are injured on the job. It will also pay your survivors directly when necessary. Hire a Qualified and Experienced Attorney You will need to hire qualified attorneys like Bisogno & Meyerson who possesses experience in the handling of FECA cases.

23 February 2015

4 Signs That You Need To Hire A Lawyer For Your Workplace Injury

Law Blog

For basic injuries at work, it often isn't necessary to hire an attorney. In many cases, you can simply get the medical assistance that you need, take time off of work until you are feeling better and receive assistance with your medical costs and bills from workers' compensation. Unfortunately, however, this isn't always the case. In some situations, it's best to hire a workers' compensation attorney to ensure that your rights as an employee are protected.

11 February 2015

2 Things To Check Off Your List Before Divorcing

Law Blog

Ending a marriage can be a very stressful time in life. The emotional, physical and potential financial losses can simply be overwhelming. One of the most effective ways to prepare you for all of these negative changes is to plan ahead. By creating a checklist and marking these off your list when completed, may help you get on  with your solo life with greater ease: Create a list of your financial records

5 February 2015

Did You Slip And Fall At Work? Don't Automatically Assume Workers' Compensation Will Pay.

Law Blog

Nobody expects to take a fall, but you probably assume that if you fall at work you are automatically eligible for workers' compensation benefits. Don't be so sure. Whether or not your injuries will be covered under workers' compensation depends a lot on the circumstances of your fall. This is what you should know. It's The Specifics That Count Two very similar accidents, with similar injuries, can end up with totally different results for their workers' compensation claims, simply because the specific circumstances are a little different.

28 January 2015

Facts You Should Know Before Filing A Wrongful Death Claim

Law Blog

Filing a wrongful death claim can be a time consuming, complex, and stressful process. Thankfully, the more you know about this process, the more likely you will be to succeed in your mission. Taking the time to review the facts outlined below can help you to develop a better understanding of how these cases work. One Death Equals One Case While many people may be impacted by the wrongful death of one individual, the law currently only allows one of these individuals to file a wrongful death claim.

21 January 2015

5 Ways To Improve Your Chance Of Getting Sole Child Custody


If you are dealing with a divorce and have children, you may be interested in getting sole custody. There are a number of factors that can affect your ability to get custody of your child. Knowing the ways you can improve your chances of doing so may be helpful if you are faced with this situation. Financial stability If you can prove you are financially capable of supporting a child, you may improve your chances of getting custody.

16 January 2015

Dog Bite Laws Could Cost You


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that despite rules and restrictions relating to the ownership of dogs, pet dogs bite about 4.5 million people each year. State dog bite laws vary, yet in many cases, you are legally responsible for any injuries your dog causes. Besides state laws, many local governments have ordinances for controlling dogs. Because the law determines in what situations you can be sued if your dog injures someone, you need to know what the dog bite laws are where you live.

8 January 2015