
3 Tips For Anybody Getting Divorced

Law Blog

Going through a divorce is something that nobody wants to go through, and if you are, chances are that it's the first time you are going through it. It is important to follow these tips to ensure that things go smoothly for you. Assume Everything You Do Or Say Is Being Documented A common mistake that people make is doing and saying things that come back to bite them during divorce proceedings.

17 June 2020

Dealing With Debt Collectors? Know What To Do

Law Blog

Are you currently over your head in debt and being harassed by your creditors? Here is what you need to know about your rights. Are There Rules About What Creditors Can Do? While creditors are allowed to contact you in order to ask for money, there are rules that they must follow when doing so. They are not allowed to call you late at night, harass you, or threaten you in any way when asking for the money that you owe.

17 June 2020

Tips For Figuring Out How Much Your Injury Case Is Worth

Law Blog

If you were injured in a car accident, you may be wondering if it is worth taking your case to court for a personal injury lawsuit. Here are some tips for figuring out how much your case is worth. Know Why Online Settlement Calculator Are Often Wrong Don't make the mistake of going online and finding an injury settlement calculator to figure out how much your case is worth. The truth is that these calculators are not accurate at all since there are many factors that go into deciding how much money you can receive.

11 May 2020

Who Can You Talk To After An Accident?

Law Blog

After you have been in an auto accident, you may have a lot of fears about who you can talk to and who you can trust. This is especially the case if you intend to file a personal injury lawsuit for your injuries or damage to your property. For example, you might receive a phone call or letter from an insurance adjuster in the days following the accident. The adjuster will likely ask about the accident and what kind of injuries and damage you have incurred.

7 April 2020

2 Ways A Lawyer Can Help You With Your Quest To Receive Social Security Disability Benefits

Law Blog

If you have a disability that has caused you to not be able to work enough to support yourself, then you are probably thinking about applying for social security disability benefits. The thing is, while there are a lot of people that go through this process on their own, it might be in your best interest to retain a social security disability lawyer. With the help of a lawyer that has a lot of experience with disability benefits, you may be able to avoid some common mistakes and give yourself the best chance of being approved for the benefits that you need.

4 March 2020

3 Criminal Defense Options Besides Trial

Law Blog

When people picture a criminal defense attorney at work, they usually imagine someone presenting arguments at a trial in front of a jury. This is far from the ideal scenario for a defendant, though. Many other potential options are available for preserving a client's rights. Let's look at three ways a lawyer might try to help a defendant without going to trial. Questioning the Charges at Arraignment After someone has been arrested and formally charged with an offense, they will be compelled to appear before the court for a relatively short hearing called an arraignment.

29 January 2020

3 Things To Know About The Jury In Your Criminal Case

Law Blog

If you are in the process of deciding how to proceed with your criminal case and feel that going through a trial would be your best option, you will likely leave the fate of your case up to the jurors who are selected for this case. Going through a trial is not always the best choice defendants have in cases, but it might be the right option for you. If so, here are three important things you should know about the jury that will be handling your criminal case.

2 January 2020

Problems With School Sports Programs? 4 Signs Your Transgender Teen Is Being Discriminated Against

Law Blog

If you're the parent of a transgender teen, you worry about the way society treats them. Unfortunately, gender discrimination is a common occurrence among the transgender community, even within the educational system. This is particularly true where sports are concerned. Many transgender teens face extreme difficulties concerning school sports programs as soon as they become vocal about their gender identity. If your teen is experiencing difficulties with school sports programs, and you're not getting anywhere through educational channels, it's time to contact a gender discrimination attorney.

30 November 2019

Mistakes You're Making After A Friend's Pet Bites You

Law Blog

Having a friend's animal bite or attack you is upsetting for a multitude of reasons. Your friendship will be tested as you tend to injuries and ask that they pitch in with medical bills. In fact, they may refuse to help completely. If that happens, you might decide a lawsuit is your only solution. However, your commitment to the friendship could still cause the following mistakes: Not Contacting Police When the incident happened, you likely expected that your friend would apologize profusely and admit their pet was wrong.

4 November 2019

Victim Of Medical Negligence? Here's What You Need To Know Before Hiring A Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Law Blog

As long as there have been doctors and other medical providers, there has invariably been medical negligence. While most medical professionals do the absolute best job they can, sometimes things do go horribly wrong.  If you believe you or a family member may be the victim of medical malpractice, then it's important you understand as much about the process of filing litigation as you reasonably can. Armed with a clear understanding of the basics, you can then consult with a medical malpractice lawyer to determine if you have a winnable case and should file a lawsuit.

3 October 2019